Today is Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day!

So, what do pansexual and panromatic mean?

  • Pansexual: Someone who is pansexual feels a sexual attraction to people of any gender.
  • Panromantic: Someone who is panromantic feels a romantic attraction to people of all genders.

What's the difference between being bi and pan?

  • Bi- typically means ‘two’. In the queer community, it is usually used as ‘own gender and others’. Someone who is bi experiences attraction to multiple genders, but not necessarily all.
  • Pan- means ‘all’. So this is someone who experiences attraction regardless of gender. I think Schitt's Creek said it best: "I like the wine and not the label".

There is an overlap. You can choose the label that fits you best. You don’t have to stick to one either - sexuality can be fluid, and labels are all about what you identify with the closest

A clip from Schitts Creek, where David is saying he prefers the wine and not the label.